Patrick Mahinge
Using Twitter for Business
Last updated: December 2, 2024 
December 2, 2024 

Using Twitter for Business

Image of patohmahinge
Affiliate Marketing Expert

Twitter is many things to many people. Every businessperson should be using it to connect with their fans in a one-on-one chat conversation. This is the best way to use twitter for business.

A good example, and what led me to write this post today, is a press release released by Kim Kardashian announcing that she would be holding a live Twitter chat with her fans to mark the official launch of the Kardashian Kollection under the hashtag #KIMKKLIPSY.

Many businesses know they need Twitter for their marketing campaign. Unfortunately, many of these small business owners fail to utilize one of the strongest Twitter tools available- The Twitter Chat. There are very few small business owners who use Twitter chats to their advantage.

How to Use Twitter Chat to Grow Your Business Leads

Twitter chats get people to stop scrolling and to engage in in-depth discussions about a certain topic. Here is a detailed step-by-step guide on using Twitter Chat for business.

  1. Set up Your Twitter Chat Campaign- Usually, like what Kim Kardashian did, you will need to set a time, date and duration for the chat. You will also need to give your Twitter Chat session a name. Kenyans who are on Twitter are already familiar with such hashtags like #AskWaikenda or the one that Martha Karua did for her campaigns #MarthaKaruaThursdays.
  2. Publicize Your Twitter Chat Campaign- The next step after you have identified a catchy name to give your Twitter Chat campaign and you have set a date and time for the campaign is to get word going about it. The best way to do this would be by announcing to those people who are already following you on all social media channels that you will be holding a Twitter Chat session.
  3. Choose a Moderator for Your Twitter Chat Campaign- After you have set the date then spread the word to get others to join in using your selected hashtag, the next thing you will need to do is ensure that there is a leader of the chat who welcomes users and keeps things on track and on topic.

You can read more about organizing Twitter Chat Campaigns here.

The 5  Common Types of Twitter Chats

This post would not be complete without actually looking at the various types of Twitter Chats that you can use to grow your business leads.

  • Chats with no agenda. These kinds of chats are usually spontaneous without a leader or moderator. They are very casual and anyone can join in.
  • Chats about a specified topic. After a particular topic is posted, everyone will Tweet about that topic.
  • Chats with an expert. This kind of chat features an expert or famous speaker. People can join in by asking that person questions.
  • **Chats with a posed question.**This chat is when a leader poses a question and users participate to answer the question. These types of chat are best used to address community issues such as poverty or diseases.
  • **Chats about an event with a hashtag.**This is very common on television. For example, How I Met Your Mother puts the hashtag #HIMYM on the bottom of the screen at the beginning of the episode to remind people to Tweet about the episode. Other shows, like The Voice, will do the same thing and read off Tweets during the live show.

Essentially, Twitter chats are the same as being in a chat room. Users keep track of responses with the specified hash tag .

Five Reasons Why You Should be Using Twitter Chat

Here are some of the benefits that you are missing if you have not made any efforts to start a Twitter Chat for your business or event:

  • The opportunity to network and make connections with people who have an interest in your brand.

When you hold a chat event, customers get to talk to you and build a deeper bond with your brand. In order to get the most engagement and relationship out of the chat, you need to choose a discussion topic that resonates with your followers.

If you make your chats weekly and combine them with how-to webinars, you can increase your lead generation as well. You will get new followers with a Twitter chat, and your brand will reach new people when your responses are retweeted during the chat.

  • Chats position your brand as an expert in the industry.

Not only is starting a chat a great to build brand authority, but joining chats as a guest is a great way to create a reputation as an expert.

You can answer questions related to your industry and establish yourself as an authority. Get to know the host of the chat by Tweeting with them on a regular basis.

Whenever you stay in the host’s mind as an authority, it will increase your chance for a guest spot. You can also email the host with your interest. Before participating in the chat, update your Twitter bio to include a link to your website or Facebook.

  • You can create one-on-one relationships.

Participating in chats frequently will help you build relationships with other people in your industry on Twitter. The more relationships you form, the more recognition your brand will receive in the industry. You will get new followers and create new leads with each participation.

  • Your brand can stay informed on this industry.

You can also attend Twitter chats as a spectator in order to learn about news and updates in the industry. Find chats with other professionals in the industry in order to discuss common issues.

  • Chats are a method of promotion.

You can ask hosts if you can sponsor their Twitter chat in order to give your brand more awareness. This means the host will mention your business as the sponsor and you will get mentions in any articles or posts about the chat.

Products or services, being the featured guest, and placing advertising banners are also methods of promotion.

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