Working Online In Kenya. This is How I made 35K in February
Hey everyone,
This is the second series of my monthly online income statements. You can find out what I made in January from doing various online jobs in my first posting.
Basically, I have made an increase from 35k that I earned in January to 39k working online in Kenya! This is a proof that making money online is possible. It doesn’t matter that you are not in Silicon Valley; You can start tasting the joy of online income right here in Kenya.
Before, I give you the screenshot to my February Monthly income statement, I would like to show you Make Money Online.
Reasons Why You Are Not Making Enough Online Income
- You Do Not Have the Relevant Information
Do you think you know all the various ways you can use to make money online in Kenya? Have you found which online income niche works best for you? The first thing you need to do in order to start making massive amount of cash online is to gather all the information you can get about making money online. You can find this information by joining my mailing list here.
- You Do Not Have the Tools of Trade
Tell me how many businesses or employment opportunities are giving out a net income of 39k per month? They are absolutely very few, right? Yet, you take them seriously and get all the tools of work ready.
Why are you not willing to do the same for online income?
Here is the deal, if you do not have a computer and a modem, you can as well forget about making online income in Kenya. Making money online begins with the strong belief that it can be done.
Once you have this belief, you will not be so reluctant to make the investments required to start earning the money. I am honestly sick and tired of all those people who tell me that they want to make money online yet all they have is the Ideos Phone.
- You Give Up Too Easily
Is this what is keeping you from earning enough cash online? Do you give up too easily?
Do you want to join an online income platform and earn $50 within 2 days. I am afraid it won’t happen. Like every other business venture, making money online requires patience.
You have to cultivate your online income streams until they get to where you want them to be. You won’t join Bubblews and hit the payout threshold within the first two days! Making online income requires patience. I did not start earning 39K overnight. It has taken me about 6 months to get to where I am. Six months of constantly learning and improving.
- You Are Not an Action Taker
99.9% of the people in my mailing list have all the information they need to earn more than 30k from doing online jobs. Yet, only 10% of them are making any money online.
There is a very simple reason for this. 90% of the people will read the information I recommend and never take action on it. There is not time like now. If you do not take action at the very instance you get the information, there is a very big likelihood that you will never take action. Stop being a procrastinator. Take action on the information you receive through my emails, and trust me, you will be earning three times what I earn in less than 6 months.
What else is preventing you from making enough money online. I would love to hear from you. Leave your comments below.
Here is a screenshot of the money that I earned in working on online jobs in the month of February. If the image is not large enough on your screen, click to enlarge it. In total I made $468.90 in February. This is roughly Ksh 38,918.70.
Would you like to know how I make the money? Join my mailing list now! I will send you tips that I guarantee will start making you online income immediately.
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