How to Choose an Email Responder That Does Justice to Your Business
As the market dynamics shift and rely more on new media to carry their marketing campaigns, email marketing is proving to be one of the easiest, yet sophisticated channels to wage the marketing battle. If you have ever tried to do email marketing, then you will understand what I am talking about. How for example do you ensure that your emails get a positive response, that your target niche will actually open, read and follow with the action called for in the email?
The answer to these questions partly lies in getting a good email marketing software that will do all the dirty work for you. While it is true that there are many email marketing software available in the market today, it also remains true that some of these software are obviously better than the others.
But Before we actually get to discussing which one is better than the other, here are a few things you ought to put into consideration when choosing email marketing software:
1. Access to email marketing Mailing List
Make sure that your email provider provides you with easy access to the email marketing mailing list. As your email marketing campaign grows you will find out that you will constantly be in need of editing your mailing list to add, remove or segment the names on the list accordingly. A software which allows you the freedom to create more than one mailing list earns you a definite plus on this.
2. Feedback
You generally wouldn’t want to be in the dark concerning the destiny of your sent emails. You want to make sure that they were really delivered; they were not marked as spam and which action the recipient took on them. In this case you will need an email software that provides you with feedback of what’s going on once you hit the send button.
3. Theme Builder
Make sure that your email provider incorporates a what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) option for creating email templates. You will particularly want to insist on this if you have little to know knowledge of html and CSS, which many business persons don’t have.
4. Personalization
Does the email software let you personalize the bulk emails for your recipients, like adding a signature at the very bottom or greeting recipients by their real names after the subject line. Personalized emails are one of the keys to increasing positive email response and you should insist on an email software that automatically offers you this option.
5. Integration with mobile and social media marketing
Apart from email marketing, social media and mobile forms of advertising have also claimed a big share of the advertising market. Choose an email marketing software that lets you integrate social media in your marketing.
Having said that, I believe it is time to make the big decision; Which email marketing software should I really use?
Here is a list of three top marketing email software and their genuine reviews:
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