How to Uncover Your Purpose In Life: Find Your Sweet Spot!

If you are reading this right now, you’re probably at a point in your life where you find yourself saying: “There has got be to more to my life than this!”  Maybe you have a desire to pursue online entrepreneurship, but you are not sure where to start. Maybe you wish you could make money online doing something that you’re passionate about – doing something that adds meaning to your life – doing something that brings you to your life’s purpose.

Well, you don’t have too look far to find a bunch of resources that promise to help you discover your passion. Unfortunately, more often than not, all those resources say the same thing. They say things like: do what makes you happy, do what brings you joy, do what makes you feel good. This advice isn’t wrong. It isn’t bad. It’s just not enough. If you are really going to figure out what you were created to do in your lifetime, you need to find your sweet spot.

This 5 Part e-course is designed to help you uncover your purpose in life by giving you the tools you need to find your sweet spot.

And, it takes things one step further by presenting ways to use your sweet spot as a foundation for a thriving online business. In this e-course you will find more than the run-of the mill “turn your obsession into your career” or “do something that you would do even if you weren’t getting paid for it” advice.  You will get practical advice and action steps that work.

Specifically we will cover:

* What is a “Sweet Spot”

* Why you haven’t found your sweet spot

Where to look for your sweet stuff

How to know you’ve found your sweet spot

How to turn your sweet spot into a fulfilling full-time income

Finding your sweet spot isn’t simply about finding your passion. It’s about finding out what you were designed to do, so that you find fulfillment and pleasure in what you do. The truth is mediocrity sucks, and if you’re not in your sweet spot, you’re probably swimming in a sea of lukewarm mediocrity…yuck!

You have one life, one time to embark on this journey, shouldn’t it be sweet every step of the way?

Sign up for this e-course now and get each warm and toasty lesson sent to your inbox each week over the next five weeks.
