Start a Blog That Matters

This is the most popular service we provide.  Have you ever wanted your own blog but didn’t know where to start?  Have you ever wanted a website that you could edit yourself?  We’ll help make your dreams turn into reality. 

WordPress is a powerful blogging software that can serve as a blog or a content management system (cms) in laymens terms, a website that you can edit yourself without spending months or years learning HTML.   With every install you will receive the following:

  • Anti-spam plugin install to protect your site from spam
  • SEO plugin install to make your site more search engine friendly
  • Up to 8 more plugins of your choice.  (That’s 10 plugins total!)
  • Installation of any free theme of your choice.  Find a list of free themes here:

Here are the steps to follow to receive your free blog set up:

  1. Purchase a domain name if you haven’t already.
  2. Sign up for hosting.
  3. Fill out the order form.

Step 1

If you already have a domain name, skip this step.  If you need a domain name, Nerdy Setups recommends purchasing domain names from  GoDaddy offers domain names at pretty competitive prices.  If you want to use a different domain registrar, feel free to shop around.  The hosting companies that we recommend below also sell domain names.

Step 2

To qualify for a free WordPress blog setup, you must purchase a hosting account through one of our links below.  We highly recommend using Hostgator.  We have used them for years with complete satisfaction.  For your convenience, we have added Lunar Pages and Bluehost to give you more to choose from.

Already have a hosting account, but need a blog installed?  We can take care of that also.   We will install WordPress on your current hosting account starting at $25.  Click here for more info.
